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Discussione in "Aiuto" iniziata da [DMN]†BLΛCΚΣVIL†, il 10 marzo 2015.

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  1. vuoi vedere che quest'anno non si festeggia il compleanno di sea? :O
  2. -HiGh-VoLtAgE-[ZeN]

    -HiGh-VoLtAgE-[ZeN] Apprendista

    non fb già hanno scritto che il 18 fanno l'evento e ci saranno 6 design :)
  3. navekiller™

    navekiller™ Apprendista

    Su fb non ho trovato nulla...
  4. -HiGh-VoLtAgE-[ZeN]

    -HiGh-VoLtAgE-[ZeN] Apprendista

    scrivi seafight info :)

    ƬӨЯΣƬƬӨ Maestro del forum

    6 design ??? :eek::eek::eek:
  6. *Spettro*

    *Spettro* Esperto Junior

    nn sono 6 design ma 3 nuove polene

    ƬӨЯΣƬƬӨ Maestro del forum

    ma quindi 3 design e 3 polene? oppure ci saranno anche nuove mascotte ?
  8. *Spettro*

    *Spettro* Esperto Junior

    solo nuove 3 polene i design nn lo so ma di sicuro ci saranno visto che e un evento evento thypon
  9. navekiller™

    navekiller™ Apprendista

  10. eliosmez

    eliosmez Custode del forum

    E smettetela con queste anticipazioni!
    Rovinate la sorpresa ai moderatori! :)
  11. -HiGh-VoLtAgE-[ZeN]

    -HiGh-VoLtAgE-[ZeN] Apprendista

    In March, nine years ago, the free-to-play browser game Seafight went to the start. On the occasion of the upcoming anniversary, Bigpoint has announced a two-week event, which puts to the test not only your skill as a monster hunter, but also your team ability. Hamburg game operator soon dismisses a devilish monster in the virtual seas whom you can do only in co-operation with other pirates. In addition, you can expect exciting quests, which reaps her precious rewards.
    After you’ve fought Valentine's Day event against Calypso, now you can fight against Typhon ! You meet now another dear lovely creature wich attack with dangerous lightning greeting. The monstrous electric eel the Typhon which has also clobbered the last year's birthday celebration in Seafight spreads not only fear and fright among the pirates. Brave and fame-addicted pirates see the rare nature also as a welcome prey and take it only too gladly in the visor. However, for it, you need enough confetti ammunitions. In addition, you hit on Emily Davis who supplies you with a row of tasks. The red-haired Quest giver has daily new orders on warehouse which you do together with other pirates. Thereby carry off their objects practical in Seafight which you can well use for the birthday Event in the game. Under the rewards are found, for example, ancient coats of arms by which you get access to a boss Map. There expects you a powerful opponent who can be outwitted only with a lot of courage and the correct strategy. If you succeed in bringing the boss to the distance, you have the chance to bring the exclusive ship design Caspio in your possession. Besides, a valuable emerald dragon expects you during the birthday Events.
    To the March 18th, it is in Seafight to keep their eyes open by Typhon and diligently to master the tasks of Emily Davis. Two weeks - until 31 March - you have time to dust all rewards.

    start: 18 March, end 31 March
    -Typhon NPC
    -Confetti ammo
    -New Boss map ( there you can win design if you have luck )
    - News quests
    - 6 News designs, ships or boss
    - 2 News pets

    questo è quanto riportato su fb
  12. Amon.Ra

    Amon.Ra Guest

    Salve pirata,

    ufficialmente ancora non è arrivato nulla in merito all'Evento del compleanno di Seafight, ma non è mai mancato un Evento a riguardo, quindi non ci resta ce attendere l'ufficializzazione, ovviamente esistono molteplici canali di informazione della BP, quindi può anche starci che le notizie arrivino prima attraverso i suddetti.

    Buon gioco.
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